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Chairship Responsibilities

Each family is responsible for maintaining a chairship throughout the school year.  The list of chairships varies slightly from year to year. Three sample chairships are listed below:


Teacher Appreciation:

  1. Organize cards and collect money for gifts/purchase gifts for each teacher’s birthday, along with any other demonstrations of appreciation you think would be nice.

  2. Coordinate meal signups and special events for each teacher on each day of teacher appreciation week (in April or May), to be approved by the Board.

  3. Work with Ways & Means Board member to select restaurant; distribute flyers for 4 fundraiser dinners per year (one for each teacher’s birthday and one additional date as determined by Ways & Means Chairperson)


Scheduling 3Day:

  1. Organize the sign-ups for working parents during school days (two parents per day for each class) and make sure each day is covered.

  2. Monitor and record how many work days each parent works, making sure every family fulfills their work day commitments.

  3. Maintain a spreadsheet posted in the classroom showing workdays completed for each parent.


Scholastic Books:

Distribute order forms to families and teachers. Parents will order online using the school code. Manage points and credit and use these to order books for the classroom. Confirm order is correct when it arrives, and distribute book orders to families.



  1. Maintain the flowerbeds and potted plants. Water, prune, and replace dead plants.

  2. Twice a month, power wash the stage and patio.

  3. Weekly, sweep patio of cobwebs and debris.

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